Corporate Responsibility

Our Approach to Corporate Responsibility

At PNC, our approach to corporate responsibility is rooted in the understanding that maintaining strong relationships with our stakeholders is fundamental to our success. But open and honest dialogue with our customers, employees, shareholders and communities at large, contributes to more than our success. It drives meaningful impact. We know because we’ve been at this work for 160 years, and it’s why we’re proud to share with all of you, our progress over this past year and the opportunities that lie ahead.

2023 PNC Corporate Responsibility Report

2023 Corporate Responsibility Report

Learn about PNC's progress toward our commitments to all of our stakeholders.

(PDF) 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report

Delivering for Our Stakeholders

At PNC, we know our success largely depends on maintaining strong relationships with our stakeholders.

At PNC, we strive to manage our business responsibly and to do right by all our constituents. We make fact-based decisions guided by our established risk appetite and by what is in the best interests of our customers, our employees, our communities and our shareholders. 


We innovate our products and services to better fit our customers’ needs.


We create financial opportunities for individuals, families and businesses.


We create an inclusive workplace for all PNC employees to thrive.  


We recognize that mitigating and minimizing risk are key components of creating value for our shareholders.

Managing Responsibly

At PNC, we’re committed to securing the trust of our stakeholders by managing our business with integrity, transparency and accountability.

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A strong foundation in governance helps drive our company’s success and positive reputation. Our board of directors is committed to high ethical standards and has ultimate oversight of PNC’s strategy, including corporate responsibility issues that are material to our business.

Corporate Governance

The board is deeply committed to corporate responsibility and maintains ultimate oversight of the company's strategy.

Bank Responsibly

We are guided by our Values and our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics to operate our business with the highest integrity and ethical standards


We expect our suppliers to demonstrate high standards of business conduct and integrity. Our Supplier Code of Conduct establishes expectations for suppliers regarding ethical business practices.

Political Standards

We advocate for the financial services industry and the broader business community.

Business Resiliency

We know it's vital for our customers to have access to their finances. No matter what happens, safeguarding the availability of products and services for our customers is essential.

Corporate Responsibility Priority Issues & Stakeholder Engagement

Managing our corporate responsibility priority issues is key to identifying and mitigating risks and leveraging our opportunities, both today and in the future.

Building a Sustainable Future

Investing in the long-term prosperity of our communities and the environment

PNC's Climate Action Strategy

PNC’s Climate Action Strategy, designed to set us on a pathway to finance the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Sustainable Operations

PNC is committed to continually setting and achieving ambitious carbon emissions, energy use, water use and renewable electricity goals, related to our own operational footprint.

Environmental & Social Risk Management

We leverage a consistent framework to manage existing and emerging risks across our operations.

Sustainable Finance

Supporting our clients’ sustainability goals is a key part of our Climate Action Strategy.

2023 PNC Corporate Responsibility Report

TCFD Progress Update

Learn how we are supporting business resilience to physical climate risk and the transition to a low-carbon economy.

(PDF) TCFD Progress Update

News & Updates


PNC Mobile Branches Deliver Financial Confidence

Our mobile branches provide much-needed financial services, education, and a great deal more.

4 min read


PNC Center For Financial Education Expands to Nine New Markets

After a successful run in six pilot cities, PNC will expand a free financial education initiative to nine new markets this year.

3 min read


Building Stronger Partnerships to Deliver Impactful Community Investments

Daniel Nissenbaum, CEO, Low Income Investment Fund and Reymundo Ocañas, Executive Vice President & Managing Director, PNC Community Development Banking and Chair of LIIF’s Board of Directors talk collaboration, impactful investments, sustainable growth in LMI communities nationwide

2 min read