Environmental & Social Risk Management

We live and breathe our values by managing our business with integrity, transparency and accountability. We are part of every community where we do business, supporting our neighborhoods, fostering a talent-focused and inclusive culture, and helping to improve the financial health of all of our stakeholders.

& Social Risk

Environmental & Social Risk
Management Framework

PNC’s Responsible Lending Practices disclosure reflects our integrated approach to Environmental and Social Risk Management (ESRM) and outlines our multilayered framework, providing transparency into the practices we employ in making business decisions.

For more information download the PNC Responsible Lending Practices.


Brilliantly Supporting All of Our Stakeholders

We strive to manage our business responsibly and to do right by all our constituents. We make fact-based decisions guided by our established risk appetite and by what is in the best interests of our customers, our employees, our communities and our shareholders. 

PNC Responsible Lending Practices

Learn about PNC's progress toward our commitments to all of our stakeholders.

Our Commitment to Human Rights

We recognize that our business decisions must consider environmental, social, human rights and reputational risk factors.

Read PNC's Human Rights Statement

Climate-Related Risk

Climate-related risks are treated as risk drivers that are embedded in PNC’s Risk  Taxonomy and aligned with traditional categories such as credit, market, liquidity and reputational risk. We consider the potential physical and transition risk impacts on PNC, including collateral value loss, geographic credit concentrations in areas  exposed to natural disasters, customer preference shift, technology improvements and regulatory change, and the potential for increased operational losses from acute and chronic weather events.

We consider climate risk an amplifier of existing risk types, not as a new risk type. As such, we consider the impact of climate-related risks within our overarching strategic vision to set concrete, incremental and achievable goals. This is done while remaining responsive to forward-looking external factors such as future regulatory guidance; competing demands from governments, investors and public policy organizations; evolving best practices for incorporating climate into our ERM Framework; and assessing the carbon intensity of our portfolio in ways that support sound decision-making.  

Climate Risk Committee

Our Climate Risk Committee oversees the integration of climate-related risks into the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Framework. 

Committee members are a cross-functional group of internal stakeholders with key responsibilities, including: 

  • Review, recommend and/or approve the ERM Framework enhancements to integrate climate-related risks 
  • Escalate climate-related risks from across the organization to assess an aggregate view of climate-related risks 
  • Review, recommend and/or approve the development and implementation of a sound, repeatable process to comply with regulatory requirements related to climate
PNC TCFD Progress Update

Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) Report

Learn more about PNC’s Climate Action strategy, and our climate-related risk efforts.

Our Corporate Responsibility Priority Issues

Our success is determined in part by our ability to effectively identify and manage risks while also leveraging opportunities. That’s why we continue to focus our efforts and voluntary disclosures on areas that matter most to our stakeholders and business. PNC works with an independent agency to formally identify these corporate responsibility priority issues.

Learn more about how we engage with stakeholders, visit  Corporate Responsibility Priority Issues & Stakeholder Engagement