Bank Responsibly

At PNC, we’re committed to securing the trust of our stakeholders by managing our business with integrity, transparency and accountability. A strong foundation in governance helps drive our company’s success and positive reputation.

Operating by our Values

PNC has defined seven core values to guide its employees’ behavior. Our values are
the foundation of everything we do at PNC. They guide our ethical practices, define who we are, and drive the success of our company, our customers and the communities we serve.  

  • Customer Focus
    We offer products, services and experiences that fulfill our customers’ financial needs and goals in a clear and transparent way, while delivering on the commitments we make to them.
  • Diversity and Inclusion
    We value our differences and work together to create a diverse and inclusive workplace where everyone can contribute to the success of our company.
  • Integrity
    We are honest, do the right thing, conduct business with the highest ethical standards and enable our colleagues to raise concerns.
  • Performance
    We expect excellence in all that we do.
  • Quality of Life
    We promote the personal, physical and financial well-being of our employees, customers and communities.
  • Respect
    We trust the capabilities, character and judgment of our colleagues, and treat each other with respect.
  • Teamwork
    We work together to achieve our goals and celebrate our successes.

Transparent Sales and Marketing Practices

Above all, we’re committed to protecting our customers and treating them fairly. PNC reviews all sales and marketing practices on a regular basis to help ensure that this goal is met.

Brilliantly Supporting All of Our Stakeholders

We strive to manage our business responsibly and to do right by all our constituents. We make fact-based decisions guided by our established risk appetite and by what is in the best interests of our customers, our employees, our communities and our shareholders. 

Complying with Laws

PNC is committed to maintaining a comprehensive Enterprise Compliance program to effectively manage risk that could arise from violations of laws, rules or regulations, including a failure to comply with practices and industry standards set by self-regulatory organizations. At PNC, the board has given our Risk Committee the responsibility to oversee our Compliance program. Our chief compliance officer (CCO), who reports to the head of Enterprise Compliance, Operational Risk Management and Enterprise Testing Services, designs and oversees the program and its ongoing enhancement.  

Part of the Enterprise Compliance Program is the execution of a policy framework approved by the Compliance Risk Committee (CRC). The framework includes scheduled policy reviews designed to ensure that our policies reflect current regulatory requirements.

PNC’s Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) / Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Sanctions program is a domain within Enterprise Compliance, with the chief AML officer reporting directly to the chief risk officer (CRO). The enterprise policy for the program aligns with regulatory requirements and provides governance and oversight of PNC business units. The program sets forth minimum BSA/AML and sanctions standards designed to ensure that PNC is providing compliant products
and services and conducting business activities in compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulatory guidance. The chief AML officer provides program updates to multiple committees throughout the year.

Our enterprise policies address anti-bribery, anti-corruption, money laundering, terrorist financing, economic sanctions and import/export controls. All employees can and should report suspicious activity through established channels, including the PNC Business Conduct and Ethics Hotline, and by filing a Security Incident Report (SIR). Our AML program is designed to safeguard our communities, company and country from financial crime, money laundering and terrorist  financing.  

Every PNC employee must review, understand, and comply with all PNC policies. As such, we've implemented an annual, mandatory Compliance Training program that covers our policies and other compliance-related issues. Each year, all PNC employees are required to complete a Risk Refresher that includes BSA/AML, as well as an annual Privacy and Data Security training program. The board of directors also receives yearly dedicated AML training regarding regulatory updates, emerging developments in AML and combating the financing of terrorism/sanctions, notable enforcement actions, and changes in supervisory guidance and expectations.

For more information, visit our Compliance Program.

Ethics Program

PNC requires its employees to act according to the highest ethical standards.  Consistent with this expectation, PNC has defined seven core values to guide its employees’ behavior.

PNC’s Corporate Ethics Office is responsible for implementing PNC’s overall ethics program in support of our values and adherence to the law. As part of this program, the Ethics Office continues to enhance and implement PNC’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the Code) and the related internal Ethics and Conduct Policy (ECP). To promote accessibility and inclusiveness, the Code is available in both English and Spanish. In addition, the Corporate Ethics Office is responsible for PNC’s Enterprise Conduct Risk program, which measures our employees’ compliance with identified ethical standards.

The Code and the Enterprise Conduct Risk program documents are reviewed and approved annually by PNC’s board of directors’ Audit Committee. These documents are also updated as needed in accordance with changing laws, rules and regulations and identified trends in behavior. The Code and related policies contain guidance and standards for employees to follow when conducting business on behalf of PNC. The documents also detail the multiple avenues by which employees can contact PNC’s Corporate Ethics Office to report ethical concerns, including through an anonymous PNC Business Conduct and Ethics Hotline. PNC encourages all employees to speak up if they are aware of behavior that is inconsistent with our values or the ethical principles established by PNC’s Code and related policies.  

Throughout employment, employees are required to complete annual enterprise-wide training that addresses employees’ ethical obligations, and what PNC expects from their employees.

In addition to ethics training, PNC highlights the importance of ethical behavior through its annual performance review process. Every employee at PNC has a risk goal that relates to their responsibility to act in an ethical manner, and their annual performance reviews include an attestation signifying that they have read, understood and will comply with the Code and  related policies. This performance metric is  in place to ensure that our employees are held accountable for the ethical implications of their work and understand the significance of relevant policies.

The Ethics Office evaluates the continued effectiveness of our overall ethics program through an assessment of the types of ethical matters and concerns that employees are raising and their resolution, as well as through the Enterprise Conduct Risk program.

Read our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics to learn about our ethics program.

Public Policy Approach

PNC Legal Regulatory Affairs and PNC Government Affairs, both reporting to PNC’s General Counsel, provide legal, regulatory and government affairs advice to our strategic partners across all of PNC’s business units and functional areas to help PNC develop its public policy strategy and manage key risks, including regulatory, compliance and reputational risks. We provide thought leadership and expertise on regulatory and legislative developments. PNC pursues its public policy objectives through:

  • Active participation in trade associations and other forums
  • Development of industry and PNC comment letters on proposed regulations
  • Attendance in meetings with government and congressional representatives

PNC strives to pursue its key policy objectives while at the same time managing legal, compliance and reputational risks presented under applicable laws and regulations.

Our Commitment to Human Rights

We’re committed to doing the right thing for our shareholders, customers, communities and employees. We do this work because it helps our stakeholders succeed, and because it helps our business succeed, and we continuously refine our strategies to address the changing needs of the various constituencies we serve. First and foremost, this means being committed to the fundamental human rights principles included in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as outlined in our Human Rights and Modern Slavery Act Statements, a legal requirement for commercial organizations conducting business in the U.K., where PNC maintains a strategic international office.

Read PNC's Human Rights Statement.

At PNC, we’re committed to doing the right thing for our shareholders, customers, communities and employees.

For more information, read PNC's Modern Slavery Act Statement.

In addition, PNC’s third-party providers are expected to demonstrate high standards of business conduct and integrity. Our Supplier Code of Conduct establishes expectations for suppliers regarding ethical business practices.

For more information on how we engage with suppliers, download the Supplier Code of Conduct.

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