Customized Investment Solutions
for Healthcare Organizations
Just like patients, investment plans require a specialist.
Descripción general
Integrated teams delivering customized cash, operating liquidity, and long-term portfolio solutions.
Our dedicated professionals can help you optimize short-term liquidity and reserve assets, balance overall risk management with investment opportunities, minimize volatility of pension plan funded status, align your organization’s investment strategy to your mission, and more.
The PNC Difference
With our vast resources and in-depth knowledge of an array of healthcare fields, PNC is positioned to offer powerful solutions that meet your unique needs.
Nuestras soluciones
- OCIO Solutions
- Soluciones de planes de jubilación
- Gestión de activos
- Liquidity & Fixed Income Management
We help you achieve and maintain organizational financial health through a comprehensive four-step process that identifies your goals and projections, analyzes enterprise risk, builds a custom investment strategy, and implements the solution and monitors key metrics.
Our sophisticated suite of analytical and evaluative investment tools is specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of healthcare organizations. We deliver access to original research on financial markets and the trends and issues affecting these segments to help you make informed investment decisions.
By building a true relationship, our professionals are able to act quickly in response to changes in your goals, the healthcare industry and the investing environment.
Our solutions are engineered by integrated teams of talented specialists working in unison, including Investment Strategy, Investment Advisor Research, Portfolio Construction and Management, the Portfolio Analytics Group and the Risk Management Team.
Supported by Enterprise Financial Modeling (EFM)
For organizations with $50 million or more in assets, our EFM framework helps leadership better understand an organization’s ability to tolerate investment risk. Fulfilling your mission, keeping risk in check, maintaining healthy financials, and using your assets to help achieve these outcomes - is completing all of these tasks possible against a backdrop of change, uncertainty, and volatility?
En nuestra opinión, la respuesta es sí, mediante un enfoque analítico y empresarial. We increasingly see institutional investors implement a goals‐based analytical framework for managing their assets and liabilities en route to achieving their organizations' objectives.
Defined Contribution Services
PNC helps to improve employee outcomes while answering your primary concerns as plan fiduciary. Our professionals provide:
- Comprehensive design and investment oversight
- Value-added fiduciary support
Employee Education Services
Our comprehensive suite of resources is designed to deliver measurable results for your organization by helping to meet the diverse retirement and investment education needs of your workforce.
Pension Management Services
Our liability-centric approach can help your organization to mitigate risk associated with defined benefit pension plan(s) and lead to better outcomes.
Through PNC Capital Advisors, LLC (PCA), a registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of PNC Bank, we offer clients the ability to craft separately managed fixed-income accounts that are tailored to your unique objectives. PCA’s solutions-based approach helps you benefit from the discipline and risk-focused advice of an experienced team that provides:
- Liquidity solutions — Pursue yield and return goals while also managing the cadence of cash flows.
- Custom solutions — Solutions tailored to specific client needs and objectives.
- Broad market portfolios — Traditional fixed income strategies with benchmark-based objectives for total return.
Servicios de custodia
With an up-to-date understanding of changing government regulations, we deliver comprehensive custody solutions to support the safekeeping of plan assets, including security settlement, portfolio administration and pension payment services.
Sub-accounting for Nonprofit Healthcare Organizations
PNC Institutional Asset Management’s comprehensive platform can help you manage multiple pooled investment accounts and reduce investment and administrative costs by efficiently delivering clear, concise and customized sub-accounting information.
Through PNC Capital Advisors, LLC (PCA), a registered investment advisor and wholly owned subsidiary of PNC Bank, we offer clients the ability to craft separately managed fixed-income accounts that are tailored to your unique objectives. PCA’s solutions-based approach helps you benefit from the discipline and risk-focused advice of an experienced team that provides:
- Liquidity solutions — Pursue yield and return goals while also managing the cadence of cash flows.
- Custom solutions — Solutions tailored to specific client needs and objectives.
- Broad market portfolios — Traditional fixed income strategies with benchmark-based objectives for total return.
Inversiones impulsadas por finalidades
Not only can we help you achieve your investment goals, we aim to do so in a way that reflects your organization’s values and helps you make a positive difference in your community and the world. That’s why we utilize a purpose-driven investing strategy that aligns with issues that are important to you, including environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, that:
- Avoid harm by excluding or restricting certain portfolio exposures that conflict with your mission and values
- Benefit stakeholders that support certain values or causes by assessing and engaging on ESG factors
- Contribute to solutions by defining goals around a specific ESG problem and allocating capital toward that objective
Ideas, perspectivas y soluciones
Tome decisiones informadas y saque el máximo provecho de su empresa con perspectivas de los profesionales de PNC sobre los principales problemas financieros.
Obtener perspectivas sobre el mercado
Panorama de PNC para 2025: Bond Market on Track for Record Growth in 2025
In this 2025 outlook, PNC Public Finance discusses bond market momentum, as well as challenges entities may face in the upcoming fiscal year.
Administrar empresas sin fines de lucro
Top Considerations for Nonprofit Institutional Investors
Institutional investors navigate a season of change with focus on captives and planned giving.
Mercados financieros
Observación del mercado semanal
La Observación del mercado semanal de PNC (PNC Weekly Market Watch) presenta un resumen de la actividad económica y del mercado de la semana anterior y fue diseñada para brindar la perspectiva de PNC con respecto a los acontecimientos tanto del mercado estadounidense como de los mercados internacionales.
Recursos relacionados
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