Investment Management Solutions

Investment Management Solutions

Portfolios Aligned to Your Aspirations Steered by Our Experience

Expanding your asset base is instrumental in achieving life goals and providing financial security for future generations. At Hawthorn, we believe growth of capital is best achieved through an integrated, diversified, valuation-based and tax-aware approach.

Actively Managed, Objective, Results-Based Investing

Total Balance Sheet Approach

Your investment strategy is fully integrated with your comprehensive wealth plan. We consider tax, financial and estate planning issues when making investment and asset placement decisions. This confirms that investment portfolios fully support family objectives and overall wealth strategy.

Actively Managed and Objective

Using proprietary research, an integrated analytical process and our valuation discipline, we strive to choose appropriate opportunities for you. We apply sophisticated performance attribution tools to analyze the risk/return trade-off for asset classes and individual investments.

Flexible, Customized Reporting

Due to multi-generational ownership and complex asset structures, Hawthorn clients may require performance and holding reports to be aggregated or compiled in specific ways, such as by asset type, account type or family member. Our reporting systems provide flexibility, including the ability to report assets not under custody with PNC.

Specialized Investement Strategies

Hawthorn also offers specialized investment strategies to help families of wealth fulfill specific objectives.

Accommodating Outside Assets

Should you elect to maintain some assets outside Hawthorn - to preserve a valued relationship or access a specific strategy – we can serve in an Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) capacity, enabling us to incorporate those assets in your overall investment planning, provide performance reporting, style adherence and data analytics. 

Responsible Investment Solutions

Many families want their investments to reflect their values as well as their aspirations. Hawthorn can integrate Responsible Investing solutions throughout our entire client-driven investment process – from design and construction through implementation and assessment.

Thematic Investing

Thematic investing capitalizes on fundamental changes in technology, populations and consumer behavior that are powerful enough to drive performance across countries, industries and companies.

Contact Private Bank Hawthorn