Foreign Exchange (FX) Payments and Receipts

Utilize the Best Currency for Your Transactions

Global business transactions often require you to make and receive payments in currency other than U.S. dollars. Importers are frequently invoiced in foreign currency and need the ability to pay foreign vendors in local currency, and exporters can gain a competitive advantage by billing in local currency. PNC’s dedicated team of senior foreign exchange consultants can help you determine the most efficient method for managing your international payments and receipts.

Foreign Currency Transfers & Check Collection Services

Foreign Currency Transfers &
Check Collection Services

PINACLE® FX offers a secure, online foreign exchange management tool with access to real-time rates for making spot payments and forward hedges.
It can reduce the time, effort and cost of initiating and paying for foreign exchange transactions. The system also allows for transferring foreign currency to or from multicurrency accounts held at PNC.

  • Buy and sell currency spot or forward contracts.
  • Make payments from your multicurrency account.
  • Enter all payment information online for quick and efficient processing.
  • Access robust reporting, including file upload capability.

(operator assisted)

  • Leverage a toll-free number to initiate domestic and international wire transfers and foreign drafts. A PNC representative prompts you to provide all of the information necessary to properly execute a transfer
  • Initiate all wire transfers securely — a Personal Identification Number (PIN) is required for all transactions

Online Funds Transfer

PINACLE’s Funds Transfer module allows you to initiate both domestic and international wire transfers — in U.S. dollars and foreign currency.

  • Initiate Fed wire, international payments in U.S. dollars and foreign currency, book transfers, drawdowns and federal tax payments.
  • Self-administer setup and assign functions that each user is authorized to perform.
  • Establish repetitive instructions online (real-time update) without the exchange of documentation with PNC.

Foreign Checks

  • PNC can process and exchange foreign- denominated checks under a cash letter or through collections processing.
  • A PNC FX specialist can assist you in determining the best method to achieve improved cash flow efficiency.

Cambio de divisas

PNC offers a full range of FX services

Reference Materials

Foreign Currency Payments and Receipts Product Sheet

Instructions to Receive Foreign Currency Payments

Recursos relacionados


Informes económicos


Los economistas de PNC proporcionan análisis y pronósticos de las tendencias económicas y financieras nacionales, regionales y globales proporcionadas en una variedad de publicaciones.


Chinese Renminbi Internationalization

The RMB market has experienced exponential change over the last few years and we expect the trend to continue. PNC can help you understand the implications and provide guidance.

Ideas, perspectivas y soluciones

Flujo de caja internacional


Obtener el control y la flexibilidad de tu flujo de caja internacional puede ayudar a tu empresa a crecer a nivel internacional.

¿Listo para empezar? Hablemos.

PNC's Foreign Exchange Sales and Trading Desks











Los Angeles: 1-833-540-1286

Milwaukee: 1-844-290-1442

Philadelphia: 1-888-627-8703


San Francisco1-888-891-5265

Washington, D.C.: 1-877-856-6957