Public Defined Benefit Pension Plans
We're here to help public plan sponsors provide the men and women in public service the retirement benefits they have earned and deserve.
Solutions for Public Defined Benefit Plans
The challenges for trustees of public defined benefit plans in managing these types of retirement plans, including investment, fiduciary, and regulatory requirements, can make the job a daunting task.
We have built a long-standing reputation for delivering a wide range of customized investment management, custody and pension payment services. Our services are designed to help government and municipal plan sponsors of pensions, VEBAs, and OPEBs meet their unique investment challenges and achieve growth goals, while mitigating risk and minimizing administrative burdens.
We believe that our customized approach and focus on client-specific solutions can help public plan sponsors to provide the retirement benefits earned by the men and women who serve our communities through public service.
Service Highlights
- Help to formulate and implement an Investment Policy Statement
- Serve as trustee and custodian, including benefit payment
services - Deliver ongoing capital markets updates and board education
- Formulate investment strategy and advice as a fiduciary
- Provide liquidity management and funded status monitoring
Financial Planning for Pensions
Every pension is like a puzzle. Its unique pieces — plan assets, liabilities, administrative resources and fiduciary obligations — all need to be appreciated and fit together perfectly. We see each component in detail, optimize its value to meet objectives and integrate it into a customized, comprehensive financial plan for your pension.
Nuestro enfoque
- Consulting
Guidance on governance and fiduciary structure, IPS development and strategic asset allocation
- Fiduciary Investment Management
PNC acts as an investment manager, helping the plan sponsor fulfill its fiduciary duty to prudently manage plan assets
- Portfolio Management
PNC manages daily valuation, transaction management, monitoring and execution of asset allocation changes
- Custody & Trustee Solutions
The safekeeping and segregation of plan assets in accordance with fiduciary obligations as applicable; periodic account statements
- Asset Allocation & Manager Selection
Investment implementation including manager research, contracting and transition management
- Pension Payment Processing
Cash movement, benefit payments, tax withholding and reporting PNC manages daily valuation, transaction management, monitoring and execution of asset allocation changes
Ideas, perspectivas y soluciones
Tome decisiones informadas y saque el máximo provecho de su empresa con perspectivas de los profesionales de PNC sobre los principales problemas financieros.
Obtener perspectivas sobre el mercado
Panorama de PNC para 2025: La salud del consumidor define la demanda en la industria de alimentos y bebidas
En esta perspectiva para 2025, el grupo de Asesoría de Alimentos y Bebidas de PNC habla sobre la salud del consumidor y cómo los cambios en la demanda están afectando a las compañías de alimentos y bebidas.
Obtener perspectivas sobre el mercado
Panorama de PNC para 2025: Las tasas más bajas presentan una oportunidad para las empresas medianas
En este panorama para 2025, Banca Comercial de PNC examina cómo las tasas de interés más bajas pueden conducir al crecimiento de las empresas medianas.
Obtener perspectivas sobre el mercado
¿Está su dinero en efectivo perdiendo valor rápidamente, ya sea en su bolsillo o, peor aún, en su cartera de inversiones?
A la hora de guardar el dinero en efectivo, es posible que se pregunte si es mejor tenerlo en su cartera de inversiones o en el balance general.
Recursos relacionados
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Comunícate con PNC Institutional Asset Management
Please complete and submit the form below and a PNC representative will be in touch with you shortly.
If you are an active, former or retired PNC employee seeking pension or other benefit information, visit the PNC Benefits Website at
If you are a non-PNC pension participant or retiree seeking pension or other benefit information, visit the PayeeWeb Tool.