Planned Giving Investment & Administrative Services for Nonprofits

A specialty group dedicated to serving nonprofit organizations.

Descripción general

En el campo de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro, el enfoque se coloca en la misión de la organización y en aumentar los fondos necesarios para alcanzar sus metas.

Further complicating management’s decision-making is the fact that successful development offices incorporate gift planning and planned giving as a means of advancing or exceeding fundraising goals, which requires additional time and the need for strong expertise in administration, compliance, investment and donor relations.

To help nonprofits address these challenges, the PNC Planned Giving Solutions Group enables nonprofit organizations to outsource the investment and back office functions of their planned giving program.

Our Service Platform Enables You To Outsource

To meet challenges of both time and resources, the PNC Planned Giving Group has cultivated its service platform to enable nonprofit organizations to outsource the investment and back office functions of their planned giving program.

The result provides nonprofits with the ability to redistribute workload while increasing comfort with the more complex gifting opportunities.

Our Focus

Specifically focusing on the three areas of administration, investments, and additional resources, our solutions are designed to address the common problem areas of our nonprofit clients:


Áreas problemáticas comunes Nuestras soluciones
A single employee or small back office staff can be disrupted by a retirement, illness or departure. This disruption can result in delays of gift processing, distributions, or even 1099-R and K-1 production. Ofrecemos un departamento dedicado que puede ser el recurso perfecto para ayudar a mantener las responsabilidades sin esfuerzo y sin interrupción.
Manual record keeping is labor intensive and can be impacted by human error. Ofrecemos un acceso continuo a los datos, tanto en línea como en forma impresa, de forma eficiente y precisa.
Administration of complex gift strategies and vehicles can be stressful, time consuming and expensive. La administración de la donación planificada, para múltiples instrumentos de donación, es llevada a cabo por profesionales experimentados y es rentable.


Áreas problemáticas comunes Nuestras soluciones
Los diferentes instrumentos de donación benéfica requieren estrategias de inversión específicas que cumplan con la normativa y, al mismo tiempo, satisfagan las expectativas de los donantes; además, el uso de la misma estrategia que las dotaciones para la simplicidad no es una solución óptima. We offer experience of investment strategists combined with investment advisors who have strong backgrounds in nonprofit investment regulation.
Los comités de inversión, incluso con experiencia en inversiones, no siempre están familiarizados con los programas de donaciones planificadas de inversión individual. Los profesionales de inversión designados de donación planificada se reunirán regularmente con el comité de inversiones con quien usted trabaja para discutir la estrategia, el rendimiento y la estructura de la declaración de política de inversión personalizada.

Comprehensive Investment & Administrative Solutions

Our consultative services and support include:

Account Reporting
Provide statements of transaction activity, account holdings, and in multiple formats.

Policy Analysis & Investment Planning
Ongoing matching of policies with your expectations and review of investment objectives for each account.

PNC Gifting Portal®
Our solution provides a digital platform meant to address the distinct investment, administrative, and infrastructure needs of nonprofit organizations that sponsor donor-advised funds.

Provide Regulatory Information
Supply key data and help prepare annual state insurance filings for gift annuity programs.

Review & Optimize Administrative Functions
Confirms responsibilities are understood — may extend to education and training.

Strategic Gift Consultation & Best Practices Guide
Long-term program strategy and direction for the initial transfer of gifted assets and instructions.

Payment Execution
Fulfillment of payouts to annuitants according to desired method and in accordance with schedules.

Tax Reporting
Prepare and deliver account-specific tax information to each beneficiary or annuitant as well as the trustee.

Ideas, perspectivas y soluciones

Tome decisiones informadas y saque el máximo provecho de su empresa con perspectivas de los profesionales de PNC sobre los principales problemas financieros.

Administrar activos

Por qué es importante la transición al seleccionar un proveedor de donaciones planificadas

Un aspecto importante a la hora de elegir un nuevo proveedor de donaciones planificadas es el proceso de transición.

Administrar activos

Cómo ayudar a cultivar un exitoso programa de donaciones planificadas

El panorama del programa de donaciones planificadas está compuesto por una extraordinaria variedad de misiones, tamaños y filosofías. Si bien no hay respuestas tipo para el éxito, los programas bien operados comparten numerosos elementos comunes.

Administrar activos

Estrategias de donaciones combinadas: Impacto sobre las misiones benéficas

En este artículo, hablaremos de cómo las estrategias de donaciones combinadas influyen en las misiones benéficas hoy, mañana y en el futuro.

Recursos relacionados


Soluciones y estrategias de gestión de activos para organizaciones sin fines de lucro

We invest in specialized resources, human capital, and our communities to serve endowment and foundation clients whose visions span the spectrum of the nonprofit sector. 


OCIO (Outsourced Chief Executive Officer) & Asset Solutions

We provide custom solutions to middle-market corporations, unions, municipalities, and nonprofit organizations.


Sub-Accounting Advantage

We offer a comprehensive platform that can help manage multiple pooled investment accounts. PNC Sub-Accounting Advantage is backed by sophisticated technology and a talented team of professionals dedicated to understanding the unique characteristics of the nonprofit sector.


Work with us today. Para obtener más información, por favor, comunícate con:

Christopher McGurn Director, Planned Giving Solutions

Christopher McGurn

Director, Planned Giving Solutions


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