Financiamiento de equipo de PNC

Líder en soluciones de préstamo y financiamiento de equipos

Equipment Financing Options

You need an equipment finance specialist - one that knows your business, where you are headed and the challenges you face getting there. PNC’s relationship- driven approach allows us to provide the best solution for you and your business. We want you to spend more time on growing your business and less time worrying about how you are going to make it happen.

Throughout the US and Canada, PNC Equipment Finance facilitates the acquisition of all types of business-critical assets for companies of all sales sizes and all types of institutional entities. In addition, our leases and loans are tailored with flexible structure and payment terms to meet your budgetary needs and goals. Specifically, we can help you:

  • Preserve Cash for higher ROI investments
  • Maximizar el flujo de caja
  • Get more from limited budgets
  • Maximize tax benefits
  • Stay on the Cutting Edge of Technology
  • Grow Equipment and Technology Sale

Acquiring Equipment

Across a wide range of organizations, industries and assets, PNC Equipment Finance
can help you take the complexity out of capital expenditures.
We help companies with unique solutions designed around business goals:

Pequeñas empresas

As a small business owner, having the equipment you need to provide your customers with competitive products and services can be one of the most challenging and important factors of success. We can offer simple solutions that allow you to continue to grow while staying within your cash flow budget.

Commercial Business

Our commercial clients need a strategic advisor that not only provides capital but ideas and solutions to help your company grow. Here at PNC, we are completely focused on helping companies acquire the assets they need to help grow your business.


Banca corporativa

Our industry knowledge, capital resources and lease financing expertise help us deliver the equipment finance solutions executives need, with the customer service they deserve. Corporate Banking supports financial officers of companies and corporations with an annual revenue of $50,000,000 or more.

4th largest

bank-owned equipment
finance company [1]

Más de 30 años

de Fondos CapEx Flexibles


in assets [1]

Real Solutions That Work For You. We Keep It Simple.

PNC’s relationship-driven approach allows us to provide the best solution for you and your business. We want you to spend more time on growing your business and less time worrying about how you are going to make it happen.

Segmentos de financiación especializada

Whether you are looking to finance a corporate aircraft, a fleet of railcars or assets for your business in Canada, we have dedicated teams that know your business.

Financiamiento de aviones privados

En Financiamiento para aviación PNC, los préstamos para aviones son lo que hacemos... y lo hacemos bien. With our team of experienced professionals
dedicated exclusively to aircraft financing, we believe that our
commitment to service is unmatched in the industry.

  • Préstamos basados en activos
  • Credit-based loans
  • Fixed rates, floating rates and hybrids
  • Leasing options

Operaciones en Canadá

Expanding your business takes both strategic perspective and tactical execution. The PNC Equipment Finance Canada team provides equipment financing solutions to businesses throughout Canada.
Podemos ayudarte a superar los retos que supone hacer negocios al otro lado de la frontera y a aprovechar las oportunidades.

financiamiento de proveedores

The Right Finance Specialist to Help Build Sales, Margins, and Market Share

El financiamiento de proveedores de PNC ofrece programas de financiamiento de marca y de ayuda a las ventas para los principales fabricantes de equipos, proveedores de software y de servicios de Norteamérica. Estos programas permiten a nuestros socios mover más productos y servicios a través de los canales de distribución y, en última instancia, ofrecer flujos de ingresos de tipo anual. Creamos relaciones programáticas a largo plazo en los siguientes segmentos industriales seleccionados:

Brilliant Insights & Solutions

Stay current on the latest industry trends and insights
with the Equipment Finance.

Recaudar capital

Siga estas mejores prácticas para el financiamiento de equipos

Los equipos tienen muchas formas, pero las mejores prácticas en cuanto al financiamiento de equipos van más allá de las industrias y del tamaño de las empresas.

Lectura de 4 minutos

Recaudar capital

Evaluar las opciones del final del arrendamiento

Mientras que arrendar permite que las empresas usen equipos nuevos sin un compromiso a largo plazo, los arrendatarios se enfrentan a una decisión importante al final del plazo de arrendamiento.

Lectura de 2 minutos

Recaudar capital

Cómo una línea de crédito para equipo puede ayudar a su empresa a crecer

Una línea de crédito puede mejorar su flujo de caja y facilitar la compra de equipos.

1 minuto de lectura