Reviewing Your Business Line of Credit Statement

Line of Credit Account Statement (Example)

Line of Credit Account Statement (Example) Page 2 of 2

Billing Cycle:
The beginning and ending date of the billing cycle for this statement.


Account Number:
The last four digits of your account number that identifies your Business Line of Credit with PNC


Customer Name:
Customer name and mailing address.


Summary of Account Activity:
Detailed explanation of the account activity, including previous balance, any payments made, any fees, if applicable, the interest charged during this cycle and new balance.


Payment Information:
The Total Payment amount due and date by which you need to make your Business Line of Credit payment.


Credit Limit & Amount Due:
Your overall credit limit credit limit, billing cycle information, and an explanation of your total payment due.


Interest Paid:
Total interest paid year to date and interest paid in the previous year.


Billing Statement Payment Information:
This section can be used as a payment slip, or will inform you that the payment will be automatically deducted if your line is set up for automatic payments.


Interest Charge Accrual Method:
Information regarding your interest charge during the billing cycle and whether the account is a "fixed" or "variable" rate.


A quick review of transactions that have taken place since the last billing statement.