Update Center

Stay informed on the status of known issues for PNC services.

Current Issues

Any planned or known service interruptions will be detailed here.
Contact us if you are experiencing access issues not listed.

There is no scheduled maintenance at this time.

Last updated 3/23/25, 12:00 a.m. ET.

PNC is fully committed to protecting the security and privacy of our customers. As cybercriminals have begun to shift their approach by targeting consumers directly through known and trusted channels of communication, we have become aware of sophisticated scams involving fraudulent outreach via text, e-mail and phone calls that appear to be initiated by PNC, but instead are being sent by a malicious third party in hopes of receiving our customers’ personal or account-related information.

Heightened awareness about these tactics is the best defense. If an unexpected text, email or phone call is received that appears to be from PNC, we recommend the following:

  • Do not click on provided text or email links in fraud alerts;
  • Do not share your online or mobile banking Password by phone, text or e-mail, as PNC will never ask you for this information; nor will any PNC employee ask you for your Card Free ATM access code;
  • Never share your online or mobile banking Username via phone, text or e-mail, unless you initiated the outreach to PNC and know with certainty you are communicating with a PNC representative;
  • Do not respond to requests for other personal or financial information such as full credit card numbers or Social Security numbers, as PNC will never contact you to ask for this type of personal or account information by phone, text or email;
  • Forward suspicious emails to PNC Abuse (abuse@pnc.com) and forward screen shots of fraudulent text messages that appear to be from PNC to PNC Abuse (abuse@pnc.com);
  • PNC customers who believe they may have responded to a fraudulent text or e-mail and disclosed personal or account-related information, should immediately change their PNC online and mobile banking Username and Password, then contact us directly at 888-PNC-BANK or 888-762-2265; and
  • Visit the Security and Privacy Center on pnc.com for more information on the prevention, detection and remediation of these types of scams.

Ongoing Alerts

Protect yourself by staying aware of common scams
and security threats targeting PNC customers.

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Mon– Fri: 8 a.m. – 9 p.m. ET
Sat - Sun: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. ET

Credit Card Customer Service
is available 24/7

Virtual Wallet® Customers

Mon – Fri: 8 a.m. – 9 p.m. ET
Sat - Sun: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. ET

PNC Investments Services Group

Mon – Fri: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. ET
Closed Saturday & Sunday

PNC Private Bank Service Center

Mon – Fri: 8 a.m. – 10 p.m. ET
Sat -Sun: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. ET

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PNC offers a wide range of services for all our customers, from individuals and small businesses, to corporations and government entities. No matter how simple or complicated your needs, we're sure to have the products, knowledge and resources necessary for financial success.