Remote Deposit

Deposit Checks Without Making a Trip to the Bank

Key Features

PNC's Deposit On-Site® service enables eligible organizations to easily capture images of consumer and business checks received at your office and to transmit these images to PNC for processing. As a result, you can reduce administrative time and expense associated with deposit preparation activities and consolidate bank accounts from various locations.

Accelerate Cash Flow

Clients can scan, capture and submit deposits 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Streamlined Information

Easily manage your deposits and streamline your operations and workflows in one place.

Improve Security

Provide multi-factor security access controls, plus optional security tokens.

How Deposit On-Site Works

Deposit On-Site Remittance

With Deposit On-Site's remittance feature you can also scan and capture data from the remittance coupon that is included with consumer and business check payments. During the scanning process data is captured from the remittance coupon's OCR scan line and the related check payment can be exported to update your systems.

Deposit On-Site Image Export

With Deposit On-Site's image export feature, PNC can provide a daily file in Excel® format that includes all of your deposit information and item images for easy research and storage. Several image formats are supported and all images are sent as .gif files that can be viewed through hyperlinks in the report for easy research and printing.

Information Reporting

PNC's Deposit On-Site service enables you to easily manage your deposits and streamline your operations and workflows. Whether you have one business location, or many across the country, you can maintain a single bank relationship. All information is at your fingertips. You can consolidate and archive the information for as long as needed. Standard reports are available and can be easily printed for your records. In addition, through PINACLE®, PNC Bank's central source for online banking, you can easily verify previous day deposits. Information from all your locations can be imported into Excel® spreadsheets to support recordkeeping and decision-making.


Deposit On-Site security features help you to:

  • Prevent checks from being transmitted twice
  • Safeguard against unbalanced deposit submission
  • Provide multi-factor security access controls, plus optional security tokens
  • Enable your administrator to manage operator entitlements and roles
  • Maintain a complete report of deposits, checks and related remittance coupons

Deposit On-Site Mobile® App

PNC’s Deposit On-Site Mobile® deposit service provides a convenient and cost-effective way to submit your checks for deposit to PNC, along with your remittance details, by capturing this information using a mobile device.

Let's Talk

For product and service related questions, please contact your Treasury Management Officer or Treasury Management Client Care (TMCC) at 1-800-669-1518.

If you have questions or would like additional information, please fill out this short form so we can get in touch with you. By completing this form, you are authorizing us to contact you (via email and/or phone) to answer your questions and provide information about PNC’s Remote Deposit.