Electronic Billing & Collections Services

Help Simplify and Consolidate Electronic Bill Payments and Collections

Your business needs a secure way to present your bills online and allow your customers to make payments electronically. You also need an efficient, streamlined process to collect incoming payments that have been initiated by consumers using different bill payment platforms or various financial institutions. You would like to add these capabilities without a major financial investment or complex implementation.

Electronic Billing & Collections Solutions

Bill Payment and Presentment (Dynamic Media Example)

PNC's PayerExpress service provides your company with your own, branded Web site that enables your customers to securely view and pay their bills online.

Consumer Bill Payment Consolidation

PNC's eLockbox enables you to automate the collection of consumer bill payments with a single transmission, reducing the number of check and list remittances you receive. Electronic data from a single source can help save you time in applying the payment and help reduce keying costs associated with exception checks.

Let's Talk

Please contact your Treasury Management Officer or Treasury Management Client Care (TMCC) at (Phone) 1-800-669-1518 with any questions.

If you have questions or would like additional information, please fill out this short form so we can get in touch with you. By completing this form, you are authorizing us to contact you (via email and/or phone) to answer your questions and provide information about Electronic Billing & Collections Services.