Check Disbursement Services
Manage Your Reconcilement, Disbursement & Fraud Protection Needs
Our Services
PNC can help you streamline your reconcilement and balancing needs through Account Reconcilement, improve your forecasting and investment opportunities through Controlled Disbursement, tighten control over your issued and paid checks to help you reduce disbursement risk through our Positive Pay services and provide you a robust and user friendly archival for your check images through our Image Retrieval Services.
PNC offers reconciliation plans to help you monitor your disbursements and keep track of outstanding payments. Any selected service plan can help you reduce time spent reconciling and monitoring your disbursements.
Choose the best reconciliation plan to meet your needs:
- The Full Plan provides a full reconcilement of your PNC Bank disbursement account. With this option, you provide a check issue file to PNC Bank via transmission or through PINACLE®, which details the check serial number, check amount, issue date and status indicator (issue or cancel) for each item issued during the period. PNC compares this file to the items paid against your account to create paid and outstanding check reports. Check payment errors (encoding errors, misposts, etc.) are identified and corrected by Bank personnel prior to generating reports.
- The Partial Plan provides a partial reconcilement of disbursement accounts if you have a small volume of checks, are unable to provide check issue information, or need to perform the full account reconcilement in-house. You receive complete reports of all checks paid against the disbursement account during the reconcilement period, along with check serial number, dollar amount and paid date for each paid item.
Take advantage of our account reconciliation options and enjoy a range of benefits.
A PNC Reconcilement Program can streamline your disbursement operations and offer you options tailored to fit your company while helping to reduce disbursement and payment fraud risk. Tighten your control over payments and reduce the time you spend on reconciling and monitoring accounts.
Controlled Disbursement Account service is a check presentment service designed to help you minimize idle balances and tighten account management with minimal administrative involvement. The Controlled Disbursement service provides early same-day notification of your check clearing totals by 9 a.m. ET, allowing you to precisely fund disbursement activity, enhance investment opportunities or reduce borrowing requirements.
Through our companion Account Reconcilement and Positive Pay services, we can help you monitor outstanding Controlled Disbursement checks to detect fraud and mitigate disbursement risk. Choose between two plans available:
- Partial Plan provides your organization with a partial reconcilement of disbursement accounts. You receive complete reports of all checks paid against your account during the reconcilement period, along with check number, dollar amount, and paid date for each paid item.
- Full Plan is accurate and detailed, offering full reconcilement of your organization's disbursement account. With this option, you transmit a check issue file to PNC, which details the check number, check amount and the issue date for each item issued during the period. PNC compares this file to the items paid against your account to create paid and outstanding check reports. Check payment errors (encoding errors, misposts, etc.) are identified and corrected by Bank personnel prior to generating reports.
Our Image Retrieval System captures and stores paid checks on CDs for the ultimate in clarity and convenience. Each CD can hold up to 35,000 checks in a format that allows you to move between front and back views and enhance the image as well as print the images you need.
This CD-based system can dramatically reduce the time you need to research checks and provide copies, meaning that you can resolve outstanding issues quickly. What's more, our system is simple to use and easily compatible with the hardware and software most companies have in place. Plus, the security of your financial information is also enhanced with our imaging system, since physical checks need no longer be stored in-house, and access to the system is via an individual system identification number.
Additionally, PNC provides an Image Bulk File service for ARP clients which provides a daily transmission of paid check images and an index file of check detail. The Image Bulk File is efficient, timely and automated
Image Bulk File provides the following benefits:
- Ability to receive check image files daily as opposed to CD-ROMs.
- Clients can import the check images and MICR detail directly into their internal systems.
- Multiple accounts can be included on one PNC Image Bulk File.
PNC clients with or without account reconcilement services can enjoy the protection of Check Positive Pay, an automated check fraud prevention service. Positive Pay allows you to monitor checks processed for payment against your account and reject unauthorized transactions before losses occur.
Check Positive Pay complements the internal security measures you employ to protect against unauthorized check payments. You transmit issue data to PNC when your company issues checks and when items are presented for payment, our matching and validation process quickly identifies checks that are inconsistent with the data provided. Using PINACLE's® Positive Pay module, you have timely access to your exception items and corresponding images, helping you to reduce disbursement risk. Within the Positive Pay module, you instruct us how to handle your exception items and create issue records for your issue file when necessary.