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The People & Partners Behind Our Work
Our Corporate Leadership
Our work is guided by some of the nation's most highly respected early childhood experts and nonprofit organizations.
With support from PNC’s executive management, PNC Grow Up Great® is directed by Sally McCrady, director of Community Affairs and Chair and President, PNC Foundation.
A cross-functional team of PNC employees from different areas of the company work together with early childhood experts to bring Grow Up Great to life.

Our Dedicated Employees

Our progressive employee policy offers:
More than a corporate initiative, PNC Grow Up Great is a holistic commitment that wouldn't be what it is without PNC volunteers. We encourage all employees to play a part, and provide them with the time and resources to do just that.
Our Nonprofit Alliances
To create quality resources, we work closely with some of the nation’s most highly respected early childhood experts and nonprofit organizations, including:
Our Advisory Council
Meet Our Members
We've assembled an Advisory Council of leaders in the early childhood education field that provide ongoing strategic direction and guidance for PNC Grow Up Great.
The Council is constantly ensuring we're a leader in advocating for early childhood education, identifying opportunities for strategic partnerships, tracking our progress and ensuring that all of our efforts reach, resonate and benefit young children in their early development phases.