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What's Inside
Children will explore the parts of a wind-up toy.

Lesson Objective
Children will take apart a wind-up toy to explore the movable parts inside.
(Science) Science
What You'll Need
Attention: Do not use items such as computers, cell phones, and televisions.
- A collection of toys with moving parts, such as wind-up toys, toys that light up or play music, or pull-along toys
- A wind-up toy (to take apart)
- Screwdrivers – Phillips and straight; different sizes
- Pliers – several pairs
- Safety goggles – 1 pair per child
- Magnifying glasses – 1 per child
- Practice boards (see Lesson Tips) – for children to practice working with tools
What To Do
- Display the toys, and ask the children to explain how they think each toy works.
- Demonstrate the wind-up toy for the children.
- Ask the children what parts they think might be inside the toy.
- Tell the children they are going to take the toy apart to see what is inside.
- Demonstrate how to use a screwdriver and pliers.
- Help children put on the safety goggles, and distribute screwdrivers and pliers.
- Allow the children some time to practice using the tools on the practice boards.
- Assist the children with removing any screws or fasteners that are holding the wind-up toy together.
- Lift the cover off and look inside.
- Ask questions about the parts (see Guiding Student Inquiry) as the children are examining the parts that are inside.
- Make sure all of the children get to see the inside, and then allow them to remove gears, springs, or wheels for further inspection.
- Assist the children with reassembling the toy. Once the toy is reassembled, try to wind it up to see if it works.
- Ask the children why they think the toy does not work and what they could do with it.
Home School Resources
Home educators: use these printable lesson PDFs to teach this lesson to your home schoolers. They're available in English and Spanish.
Content Provided By
Common Core State Standards Initiative – These lessons are aligned with the Common Core State Standards ("CCSS"). The CCSS provide a consistent, clear understanding of the concepts and skills children are expected to learn and guide teachers to provide their students with opportunities to gain these important skills and foundational knowledge [1]. (External) Visit the CCSS