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Our Approach

We seek to be dependable and value-added partners, fully entrusting management with the operation of the business while supporting accelerated growth.

Growth Orientation

We invest in growing companies where there is potential to accelerate growth with additional capital and strategic support. We typically provide support in executing add-on acquisitions, expansions into new markets, and investments in people and infrastructure, among many other strategic initiatives.

Management Partnership

We believe strongly in partnership with management and seek to invest with highly capable and motivated management teams. A key element of our partnerships is financial alignment, including the provision of meaningful incentive equity opportunities.

Preserving of Culture and Legacy

We recognize that a company’s culture is a key driver of success, and we seek to preserve the culture and legacy of our portfolio companies before, during, and after our involvement.

Collaborative Style

We fully entrust management with the operation of the business, while seeking to be value-added partners on key strategic decisions and initiatives. We employ a collegial approach to working with management and other key constituents, both in completing the investment and in working with management post-closing.

Flexible, Patient Capital

Our broad investment mandate allows us to consider a wide range of capital structures to meet the needs of the companies in which we invest. This often includes tax-efficient structures that are beneficial to management and other co-investors. In addition, our unique structure allows for extended investment hold periods beyond those of traditional private equity funds.

Riverarch Equity Partners was a great partner to PSE and our executive team. They were particularly impactful in delivering the strategy and acquisition expertise that allowed us to scale our business and position the Company for long-term growth. The Riverarch Equity Partners team was also highly supportive and collaborative.

Patrick Mayette, CEO of PSE

100+ Companies

Riverarch Equity Partners and its predecessors have provided equity to over 100 companies

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