Some states contain special tax areas called homeowner areas. In a homeowner tax area, PNC cannot receive tax information from the taxing authority, nor are we allowed to access the tax records without the homeowner's permission. If the loan is escrowed for taxes, the borrower must provide the tax bill to PNC or give authorization to the taxing authority to release the tax information to us. If your property is located in Kentucky or Pennsylvania, it is likely you are located in a Homeowner Tax Area.
PLEASE NOTE: Your tax bill should be sent to:
The mailing address is:
PA Customers:
Tax Department-0046586
P.O. Box 961242
Ft. Worth, TX 76161-9839
NON-PA Customers:
PNC Financial Services
P.O. Box 9244
Coppell, TX 75019
PNC Mortgage will send a Homeowner Tax Area instruction letter to you approximately 45 days prior to your tax bill due date. Please be sure to watch your mail for these important instructions concerning your real estate taxes.