Joyce Frydryck [00:00:01] Welcome to the I-Hub portal. And for this segment, we will be covering reporting, which is account level reporting under our I-Link access, as well as where to retrieve your statements.
Joyce Frydryck [00:00:16] The first step is to go under Reporting and select Account Reporting I-Link. Under the Accounts menu, you can get a very quick view of your account list, under your account cabinet, that is as of close of business the day before. Very briefly, you can see the market value, as well as what portion of that market value is in a cash position. You can also select the P4 positions to see the holdings; the T4 transactions to see the quarter-to-date transactions; or the C for cash projections, seeing how the cash position will change in the upcoming five business days.
Joyce Frydryck [00:01:09] I'm going to go a little bit more in-depth, and let's go ahead and look at the positions. And we'll go ahead and look at those account holdings. For the account holdings, it will default to the last close of business. And you can see that all of the holdings are listed in a viewable format. You also have the option to use the printer icon to print it to paper or to a PDF; or to use the cloud icon, which would allow you to export this information to Excel.
Joyce Frydryck [00:01:47] From this area, you can also change the period of time to be last month-end, quarter-end, year-end, or even specify a single date. And if you have multiple accounts, you can also change the information from one account to a different account, or to a grouping.
Joyce Frydryck [00:02:08] If this information is not sufficient that you do need additional fields, there is customization capabilities. And you can select the little icon that is a tablet and pen to edit the inquiry. On the right panel are all of the column headings for the original standard report. And then on the left panel, as you scroll down, you can see there are many other fields or columns that you can incorporate. So, for example, if I would like to incorporate the ticker symbol, I can go ahead and select that and repurpose, or reformat, that using the arrows. Once I have that information, I can select the "i" to view it. And now you can see the column that I've added is now in my report.
Joyce Frydryck [00:03:06] At this point, if you have the report set up the way you would like for your custom report, you can save it for future usage. And I will just put a date at the end of my report as a placeholder. Now, if I was coming back in, I will go ahead and select the accounts and positions. All of these reports that are in white here are the standard reports. Anything that we have created, such as the one we just did, will be in orange. So the custom reports that you create are in orange and easily identified. So you don't need to create this report each individual time; instead, you save that, and then use that for future usage.
Joyce Frydryck [00:04:01] In addition to the positions that we have just reviewed, we can also look at transactions. Let's go ahead and select the transactions view. And we will select last month to view the information, and select the "i" to go ahead and view it. You can see the date items have posted. You will see the actual description: whether they are purchases, sales, withdrawals, deposits, etc. All of the activity within the account will be displayed. And then in addition to this display with various periods of time, and various accounts, you can also customize that information, as well: very similar to the positions where you can incorporate other fields into the reports.
Joyce Frydryck [00:04:59] As you can see, under the positions - or the transactions - there are also other reports: such as equity sector, fixed income review, etc. Or under the transactions: information by broker or transaction analysis. There's also lot reporting. All of this is available under I-Link, and for customized demos or creating custom reports, you can reach out to the I-Hub Support Team for their assistance.
Joyce Frydryck [00:05:33] I'm going to go ahead and move back into the I-Hub home page. And on the I-Hub homepage, there is a panel at the bottom with all of your accounts listed. You would simply select the dropdown item in order to view the statements. When you select the view statements, depending on how your account is set up, you may see monthly, quarterly, and annual statements. And to view those statements, it is as simple as selecting the view option. And it will display the statement for you to view or to save down to your own file servers.
Joyce Frydryck [00:06:24] If you have multiple accounts to download for that same period of time, we also have a view all accounts by month option. And you can select that and then select the period of time that you would like to view. For my one account, if I am looking at that December period of time, I have a monthly, quarterly, and an annual statement. If you can imagine you have ten accounts, you'd have 30 to download. So this method to export the information into one zip file, or into one merged pdf, can be a huge time saver for you.
Joyce Frydryck [00:07:13] And you can select individual account statements, or you can use the "select all" next to the account name. We'll go ahead and select the "download as a zip file." And then open that zip file. And you can see then all of the statements would be available to you. One zip file for you to save to your drives, so that you have that available for yourself, as well as your auditors in the future.