The contact information contained here is for the purpose of contacting PNC for philanthropic purposes related to the PNC Foundation, PNC Charitable Trusts, and Charitable Sponsorships only. All other questions and inquires not related to PNC's philanthropic activities should be directed to 1-888-PNC-BANK.
PNC Foundation
Strengthening and enriching the lives of our neighbors in communities where we live and work
Vision & Mission
For decades, we have provided resources to seed ideas, foster development initiatives and encourage leadership in nonprofit organizations where imagination and determination are at work enhancing people's lives everyday.
The PNC Foundation's priority is to form partnerships with community-based nonprofit organizations in order to enhance educational opportunities, with an emphasis on early childhood education, and to promote the growth of communities through economic development initiatives.
PNC Grow Up Great is our signature program. It is a $500 million, multi-year, bilingual initiative that began in 2004 to help prepare children from birth to age 5 for success in school and life.
As part of this initiative, the PNC Foundation has earmarked funds for grants to nonprofit organizations that work to improve school readiness by providing support in areas such as: vocabulary development; social-emotional learning; math; science; and the arts.
By focusing our support on high-quality early childhood education, we aim to positively impact school readiness and contribute to stronger, smarter and healthier children, families and communities.
Foundation Grants
The PNC Foundation supports a variety of nonprofit organizations with a special emphasis on those that work to achieve sustainability and touch a diverse population, in particular, those that support early childhood education and/or economic development.

The PNC Foundation supports educational programs for children and youth, particularly early childhood education initiatives that meet the criteria established through PNC Grow Up Great. Specifically, PNC Grow Up Great grants must:
- Support early education initiatives that benefit children from birth to age five; and
- Serve a majority of children (>51%) from low- to moderate-income families; and
- Adhere to all other standard PNC Foundation guidelines, as outlined on the PNC Foundation website, applicant eligibility quiz, as well as the Foundation policies and procedures; and
- Include one or a combination of the following:
- direct services/programs for children in their classroom or community;
- professional development/workforce development for early childhood educators;
- family and/or community engagement in children’s early learning
Additional considerations:
- The grant focus should include math, science, reading, vocabulary development, the arts, financial education, or social/emotional development.
- The grant recipient, or collaborative partner, should have early childhood education as an area of focus. If the organization’s focus is beyond birth to age five, the specific grant must be earmarked for birth to age five.
- Incorporate opportunities for PNC volunteers in classroom or non-classroom-based activities.
(PDF) Download the full reference document for PNC Grow Up Great grants.

Economic Development
Economic development organizations, including those which enhance the quality of life through neighborhood revitalization, cultural enrichment and human services are given support. Priority is given to community development initiatives that strategically promote the growth of low-and moderate-income communities and/or provide services to these communities.
Affordable Housing
The PNC Foundation understands the critical need for affordable housing for low-and moderate-income individuals. We are committed to providing support to nonprofit organizations that give counseling and services to help these individuals maintain their housing stock; offer transitional housing units and programs; and/or offer credit counseling assistance to individuals, helping them to prepare for homeownership.
Community Development
Because small businesses are often critical components of community growth and help foster business development, the PNC Foundation provides support to nonprofit organizations that (i) offer technical assistance to, or loan programs for, small businesses located in low-and moderate-income areas or (ii) support small businesses that employ low-and moderate-income individuals.
Community Services
Support is given to social services organizations that benefit the health, education, quality of life or provide essential services for low-and moderate-income individuals and families. The PNC Foundation supports job training programs and organizations that provide essential services for their families.
Arts & Culture
Support is given for cultural enrichment programs benefitting the community.
Revitalization & Stabilization of Low-and Moderate-Income Areas
The PNC Foundation supports nonprofit organizations that serve low-and moderate-income neighborhoods by improving living and working conditions. Support is given to organizations that help stabilize communities, eliminate blight and attract and retain businesses and residents to the community.
Organizations receiving support from the PNC Foundation must have an appropriate current Internal Revenue Service tax-exempt designation and be eligible to receive charitable contributions. In addition, the proposed activity must occur in a community where PNC has a significant presence.
Ineligible Proposals
As much as we would like to fund every worthy cause presented to us, the number of requests for consideration exceeds our ability to fund them all.
We do not support the following:
- Organizations that discriminate with regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity / expression, age, ancestry, marital status, disability, or protected veteran status
- Religious organizations, except for non-sectarian activities
- Advocacy groups
- Operating funds for agencies that receive funds through PNC United Way allocation
- Individuals or private foundations
- Annual funds for hospitals or colleges/universities
- Conferences and seminars
- Tickets and goodwill advertising