Please reach out to the PNC Charitable Trust Contact serving your geographic area(s) before you apply each time to receive the latest and most accurate information available.
Application deadlines vary according to geographic location. Please find your region for specific information including application deadlines and contact information for all inquiries. Organizations that are applying for the first time, or if a significant amount has passed since your last application, please make every effort to contact a program administrator at least one month prior to an upcoming application deadline. Inquiries made within the one-month window will be scheduled for an introductory call or meeting to potentially apply for the next or upcoming deadline.
Please note that the information listed within the region is not a comprehensive list of all of the trusts that the PNC Charitable Trusts manage. Speaking with a program administrator will provide you with all of the pertinent and up to date information for your specific region.
Due to the many trusts we administer, please reach out to the designated PNC Charitable Trusts program administrator to determine when your application should be submitted. Unless otherwise specified, and depending on your geographic location, organizations who receive funding are generally asked to wait 18 or 24 months before applying again. Your region and or programmatic focus may impact the timeline when you are eligible to apply.
Upon receiving a grant award, funds shall be utilized within 12 months and results of the project are to be completed electronically via Impact report. Impact reports on previous awards must be submitted before a new application will be considered.
General questions regarding our guidelines, timelines, and processes should be directed to the PNC Charitable Trusts at (Email)