Fredericktown Veterinary Clinic    Fredericktown, OH

Be open with potential partners about your strengths and weaknesses. Ideally, their abilities will complement yours and, together, you will make a powerful team.

It’s Raining Cats and Dogs, and Horses and Cows

While so many businesses struggled to keep their doors open during the 2020 COVID-19 shutdowns, the Fredericktown Veterinary Clinic staff was working overtime to accommodate a spike in demand. The rise aligned with the nationwide surge in pet ownership among homebound Americans and reflected the community’s trust in the clinic’s management team: Dr. Monica Thielsen, Libby Javurek, RVT, and Dr. Catherine (Cat) Stoner.

“Our clients know we care about every animal we see here, whether it’s a horse, hamster, cat, dog or beef cow,” says Libby, a registered veterinary technician who has for years managed the practice in addition to providing nursing and patient care. We want every animal to have a good, healthy life, and we work closely with their owners to give them that.”

The partners and their team have made good on that commitment by providing curbside service throughout the pandemic. Fortunately, their facility was already equipped with drive-thru accessibility (for horses and livestock), and an open-air lobby with large picture windows affords clients a clear view of their pets from outside. Following exams, the doctors come outdoors themselves to discuss their findings, share printouts and X-ray photos from their phones, and maintain the friendly rapport Fredericktown Vet Clinic is known for.

A Partnership Built on Trust, Respect and Motherhood

Although Monica, Libby and Cat only recently acquired Fredericktown Vet Clinic — on April 1, 2020 — they have long been integral to its success. Libby and Cat met there in 2005; Monica joined in 2016. It quickly became clear that they shared not only a passion for animal care but also a desire to own the practice.

“Associates working in private veterinarian practices expect that there may be an opportunity down the road to buy in; that was always on the radar for Cat and me,” Monica explains. “And we knew we needed to include Libby. She’s the one who knew how to run the business.”

With the overarching goal of improving the breadth and depth of their services, Monica, Libby, and Cat face every challenge as a unified team. They attribute their successful partnership to an acknowledgment and respect of one another’s strengths, and to honest, open communication.

The partners also point to a special bond that unifies them: All are mothers of young children. “Women who are also moms understand that motherhood doesn’t have to be a setback or detriment to business success; it’s just part of life,” says Cat. “We support and empower one another as women, moms and partners. I wouldn’t have done this alone.”

They also rely on their partnership with PNC, adds Cat. “Our PNC banker has helped us navigate financial issues from the start. He recommended a cautious approach as the pandemic was unfolding, and that turned out to be wise,” she shares. “He puts our goals first, and demonstrates again and again that PNC wants to help us succeed.”

Community Involvement

The Fredericktown Veterinary Clinic team gives back to the community by donating time and expertise to the Knox County Animal Shelter and the nonprofit SNACK (Spay & Neuter Abandoned Cats & Kittens), and raises funds for the Knox County Humane Society. Libby also fosters for a local beagle rescue.

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