Any company looking to grow sales is likely to seek help from digital engagement software. This can, in turn, lead to growth opportunities for the providers of these software platforms – and Seismic is one clear example.

Seismic is a global leader in sales enablement and digital sales engagement software. More than 2,000 businesses, ranging from startups to large corporates, use its sales enablement platforms to provide customer-facing employees with easy access to customized content to help them reach new customers and ultimately, grow revenue. The company provides software that focuses on specialization and being prepared to seize opportunities for growth – concepts that have been very much top of mind for Seismic throughout its own growth trajectory.

Seismic’s impressive growth is a testament to their commitment to looking ahead for opportunities, even amid a dynamic capital environment that can be tricky to navigate.

— Ankur Gupta, head of Technology Finance for PNC Business Credit


“Seismic’s impressive growth is a testament to their commitment to looking ahead for opportunities, even amid a dynamic capital environment that can be tricky to navigate,” said Ankur Gupta, head of Technology Finance for PNC Business Credit. “The fact that they have relied on banking relationships with expertise specific to their sector has played a big part.”

Seismic’s connection with PNC began in 2018, when they turned to PNC Business Credit for support in acquiring a legacy competitor. The PNC Business Credit Technology Finance group, which has extensive experience in offering capital solutions tailored around recurring revenue streams for private software companies, was able not only to structure the original credit facility, but also assisted with additional financing to support Seismic’s liquidity needs on an ongoing basis.

The relationship has continued to grow over time. Most recently, PNC’s Debt Capital Markets Group helped Seismic extend and expand a $500+ million senior secured credit facility. Seismic will use the funds provided by the expanded credit facility for strategic growth initiatives and working capital needs.

“This particular credit facility is a specialized type of financing that is pretty unique,” said Jessica Drew, managing director of loan syndications in PNC’s Debt Capital Markets Group. “There are a lot of $500 million bank facilities in the market, but there aren’t many within a specialized niche of growth financing under a recurring revenue structure. This extended facility aligns with Seismic’s strategy to grow their enterprise value, and PNC is thrilled to be able to help them achieve this.”

Listos para ayudar

Crédito empresarial de PNC es un importante proveedor de financiamiento garantizado preferente para compañías medianas, corporaciones grandes y empresas de capital privado en los EE. UU., Canadá y el Reino Unido. Nuestras capacidades de préstamo abarcan diferentes industrias y buscan prestar apoyo a las empresas a medida que estas maximizan su acceso al capital para realizar adquisiciones, refinanciamientos, recapitalizaciones y reestructuraciones. Más información aquí.

El grupo de Mercados de capitales de deuda de PNC proporciona cobertura de equipo especializada y un enfoque de asesoramiento colaborativo, aprovechando la experiencia de PNC en sindicaciones y renta fija. Más información aquí.