Dan Larkin is the Director of Fraud Prevention for Corporate & Institutional Banking within the Security and Enterprise Fraud Group at PNC.
Before joining PNC, Larkin served in the FBI for more than 24 years. During that time, he established the first Cyber Fusion Unit for the Federal Government, enabling government and law enforcement to effectively co-locate with subject matter experts from industry and academia. This unit continues to enhance resource-sharing (personnel, technology and intelligence) to the benefit of all participants. Private sector partners include numerous financial services, telecommunications, technology and e-commerce organizations. Law enforcement partners include a growing list of federal, state and local agencies, as well as international investigators from more than a dozen countries.
Larkin also developed one of the first High Tech Crime Task Forces in the United States. This unique collaboration of assets led to the development of the first national Public/Private Alliance to identify and combat cyber crime, known as the National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA). Larkin co-authored the FBI National Cyber Crime strategy in 2002.